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The Radical’s Survival Guide to Adventures in Cryptoland: Can Cryptocurrencies Save Us All? [Digital PDF]

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The Radical’s Survival Guide to Adventures in Cryptoland: Can Cryptocurrencies Save Us All? [Digital PDF]

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[THIS IS A DIGITAL PDF OF THE ZINE! PDFs are free, donations are welcome! To purchase a printed hard copy, go to our Big Cartel shop:]

In this 8-page zine (plus front & back cover), you'll find a radical's perspective on whether cryptocurrencies will help us pave a road to liberation... or further deepen the void. Can a decentralized digital currency free us all or will it replicate & exacerbate current systems of inequity under capitalism? (Spoiler alert: no big surprise here.)

Including ~

· Primer on fiat money

· A brief history of Bitcoin & what are cryptocurrencies anyway

· What makes cryptocurrencies radical?

· How does mining work? What are the environmental implications?

· Who are the residents of Cryptoland and how did they get there?

· What are ICOs? Do they look like venture capitalist funding 2.0

· What crypto projects are going on now & who do they support!

· Nation states' race to the finish

· Are cryptocurrencies the answer? Where do we go from here?

Loaded with illustrations & author musings, I hope you enjoy and stick around for the Adventures in Cryptoland survival guide sequels - an intro to blockchain & the tech bro savior complex!


your resident cryptoskeptic. anna

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An 8-page (plus cover) PDF that you can read digitally or print yourself!

5.57 MB
12 pages
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